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Thorough Visit

A very thorough and careful visit! I feel very optimistic for a full recovery. -C.W.

Very Good

Overall first visit was very good. I feel well informed. -L.H.

Clean, Calming and Professional Environment

First let me thank you for your suburb facility and organization. I have had both the good and misfortune of spending a great deal of time in my life under medical care. The ability to see you for treatments as often as three times a week, in a clean, calming and professional environment … getting in and out in 15 minutes is wonderful and unique.

With a review of my treatment and progress one must understand that as a 58 year old man, who has had 5 knee operations, a ruptured disc in my lower back and almost a dozen broken bones from football, motocross, baseball, adventure activities and too much more to mention, I came to you discouraged, in pain and feeling older than my years. My knees have hurt so much that I have not been able to run for the last eight years. Regular exercise has been restricted to “power walking” the activity of old men I made fun of in my younger years. A recent visit to Connecticut’s most respected Orthopedic Group started with x-rays and analysis which concluded arthritis, excessive fluid retention, and significant swelling of my left knee… and did I mention the pain significant enough that opioid medication was suggested as an option.Read more from Michael »

Treatment included a cortisone shot that provided relief for 48 hrs before aggravating the varicose veins in my left calf and being fitted for a carbon fiber brace $400.00+ fortunately covered by insurance to help align and support the injured joint.

After meeting you and your associates, going through your physical analysis and medical review it was recommended that we begin a series of 12 treatments to correct misalignment, stress, tension and reduce pain. I have currently had 6 treatments and just this week completed 6, 4 and 3 mile walks without any pain, limping or swelling afterward. To say that I am better is an understatement, because I think I am “cured”. Not only am I more active, alert and energetic, but I am also optimistic. I look forward to exercising and it is both a health benefit and enjoyable activity.

I am looking forward to an active “paddle season” this year and continued walking, hiking and in general a pain free and energetic future. Thank you again for making feel 20 years younger!
Best Regards,

Confidence And Assurance

Dr. John immediately gave me a feeling of confidence and assurance. Terrific first and second experience. -J.G.

Wonderful With Kids

Dr. John is wonderful with kids. He took the time to explain exactly what was going on in their bodies and how they could be helped through chiropractic as well as outside of his practice. -W. and B.K.


Dr. John listened and did not try to sell me on unnecessary visits and procedures. After his adjustments I felt better than I did when I got there, even though I didn’t have any discomfort when I arrived. I guess I went from “good” to “better”. -D.H.

Great Office

Kind enough to take extra time to also see my husband who had accompanied me to the appointment. The office is spotless, contemporary and attractive. Billing and visit procedures explained thoroughly. Office is set up in such a way that an office visit is quick and efficient. -S.H.

Back And Neck Pain

After 22 years of back, neck & head pain due to a car accident, I had been in & out of chiropractic offices, physical therapy & even taken strong medication to ease my pain. Nothing was helping. Then a friend told me about Dr. John. He said, “He does things differently.” -L.G.

I just wanted to walk the beach without pain!

Hello my name is Alida and for two weeks I suffered with pain and tingling in my leg that just wouldn’t go away. I didn’t know what it was or how to make it better. I was leaving in two weeks for a well-deserved trip to Florida, but I was feeling so much pain and discomfort I was afraid I would not be able to walk the beach or even get a good night sleep for that matter. I needed to find some help and fast!
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A good friend had told me about Dr. Mastrobattisto and the great success she had with him and his chiropractic technique. I was still a little bit unsure, so I decided to go online and read more about him on his office website. I had been to chiropractors before but I had never heard of the Activator Method that Dr. Mastrobattisto uses. It seemed interesting but I still did not know if it was going to work for me, but I decided to give it a try anyway.

I was amazed at how pleasant the office staff was and that I was able to get an appointment right away. I immediately felt as though I was in the right place.

Dr. Mastrobattisto was very thorough and I could tell he really listened when I described my problem. He took his time and explained not only what was happening with my leg, but also how the Activator technique worked. To my surprise, it was not my leg that was causing my pain; it was my back! He set up a series of adjustments unique to my situation and upcoming trip. I immediately saw results! My symptoms continued to improve and I was walking straighter and feeling better. There I was walking the beaches and enjoying my fabulous trip to Florida without pain, amazing!

When I returned, I continued my treatment with Dr. Mastrobattisto to make sure the leg pain would not come back. I am glad I did because I began to notice other benefits that I did not expect. My body feels stronger than ever and I am more self aware of how my body works, but most importantly I can keep up with my three grandkids! Even other people have noticed that I’m walking taller these days. Dr. Mastrobattisto’s genuine concern and pleasant office will keep me on the right track. Thank you, Dr. John!

It was not what I was used to, but WOW, what a difference!

I am writing this letter of recommendation and appreciation in support of Dr. John Mastrobattisto. After twenty-two years of back, neck and head pain due to a car accident and a skiing mishap, I had been in and out of chiropractic offices, physical therapy and have even taken strong medications to try and ease my pain. Nothing was really helping me and I didn’t know where to go or what to do anymore. That was when a dear friend told me about Dr. John. He said, “He does things differently.”
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Dr. John’s approach to my problem using the Activator Technique works the best and I like the low force, gentle adjustments but most of all the instant relief I get. It has made a huge impact on my health. He helped me so much that I decided to bring in my children (12 and 7) for help with their neck/back pain and muscle tightness. There were instant results for both of my children.

Over the past two years Dr. John has demonstrated to me time and again that he is an exceptional communicator, teacher and gifted doctor. In my opinion, he is a highly dedicated professional who knows how to motivate his patients to strive for better health on all levels.

Thank you Dr. John and be well!

Lillian Gaffney, Madison

I always walk out of Dr. John’s office taller then when I came in!

Hi my name is Bob. I was living with tingling and numbing in the fingers on my left hand, not to mention the pain in my lower back I had for years. My line of business requires a lot of physical “hands on” type of work. A friend of mine has her own therapeutic massage business and suggested I go see a chiropractor. I was very reluctant to go. I had seen a chiropractor in the past and was extremely disappointed with the results. It got to the point where I was so miserable all the time and I was having trouble sleeping and keeping focused. I knew it was time to do something. My friend kept insisting that I go see Dr. Mastrobattisto, she was so confident that he would be able to help me manage my pain and numbness that I decided I had nothing to lose.
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After meeting with Dr John I had a feeling I was in the right place. The atmosphere was so friendly and relaxed. He examined my spine with a cool computer test and took x-rays. I came back the next day and he actually showed me where the cause of my pain was coming from. It was in my neck! I am really glad Dr. John took the time to explain everything thoroughly so I could understand what was happening to me.

It took some time, but after several visits I started noticing a change. The tingling sensation in my fingers seemed to be gone and I was sleeping at night. My wife noticed that I was not grumpy anymore which was probably the biggest difference. I feel more relaxed and I’m able to focus better. I always walk out of Dr. John’s office taller then when I came in! Getting the right chiropractic care is so worth it!

I no longer have to work through the pain…

Hi, my name is Denise I was suffering from neck and shoulder pain for several months. It was really starting to effect my daily activities. I am the type of person who works through their pain. My hip would constantly swing out to the left every time I bent down to pick something up and it was really becoming a problem. Even doing a routine chore was a hassle the constant pain in my neck never seemed to ease up. I do several exercises to strengthen the area and stretch daily that wasn’t helping either! A friend of mine recommended I go see Dr Mastrobattisto at Shoreline Chiropractic Center.
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Several years ago I had seen a chiropractor and knew it would be a good idea to go again. I felt a difference after just a few adjustments. I noticed I wasn’t in as much pain and didn’t seem to get as tired out doing my daily activities. Over time it seemed like everything was becoming easier to cope with when I bend my hip doesn’t shift anymore. My body movement in general seems much easier and and going to Shoreline Chiropractic is tremendous for a mothers schedule. It is really great having flexibility of an appointment.

I have suffered with Asthma my whole life…

Hi, my name is Diana. I was suffering with lower back pain for years. I have a job where I stand for several hours at a time and my back would just kill me. One day I was reading the paper and an article about chiropractic care caught my eye. It was such a good advertisement that I picked up the phone and called Shoreline Chiropractic Center.
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At the first visit Dr. Mastrobattisto took x-rays and evaluated my spine. The next day he showed me the x-rays and his findings of the exam. I thought I was fairly normal and just suffering from back pain, but I learned so much more about my health. Dr. John allowed me to make my own decision on whether to start care or not, based upon the findings. I decided to follow through with his recommendations. I am so glad I did! I felt so much relief after each adjustment. I realized it would have been foolish not to get care. Over time the frequency of visits were reduced and I was feeling so much better.

In March of 2002 I had a major setback. I was in a car accident! After being evaluated again, I went back to getting adjusted multiple times a week. It took about five months to get back to my healthy self, but I bet it would have been longer had I not been in such good shape at the time of the accident.

One day I noticed one of the most important changes in my body. I had been suffering with asthma my whole life and have always used an inhaler at least 2 times a day. I was on my way to the pharmacy to re-fill my prescription and decided that I didn’t need to. From May 2002, to the present I have not used any asthma medication. My back doesn’t hurt as much as it used to and I’ve noticed I have more energy and can pick up things I couldn’t before. I still get adjusted once a week and I always feel instant relief. Chiropractic really changed my life!!!

It is just an over all good feeling!

Hi, my name is Don. I have had lower back pain for about 20 years. I lived with the pain for so long it seemed to be taking over my life. I was feeling very stressed and it was becoming too painful to do the activities I have always enjoyed.
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It was recommended that I go see Dr. Mastrobattisto at Shoreline Chiropractic by my son’s therapist. I had never been to a chiropractor before and was a bit skeptical of even going for an exam. I was certain I didn’t believe in that type of care, but I had heard so many positive stories from other people I thought I would give it a try. I liked Dr. John right away!

The office was very friendly and had a relaxed environment. I started feeling better after a few adjustments. I couldn’t believe it. Over time I felt less stress and I was starting to enjoy gardening like I used to. I even noticed that bending down wasn’t as difficult as it used to be. I am even more careful about the way I lift heavy objects now that I have invested the time to strengthen my spine with the exercises Dr. John gave me for my lower back. I have learned so much about chiropractic care and how important it is to get adjusted regularly. Not only do I feel better physically, I have also noticed I feel mentally rested and have more energy. I have become a believer in chiropractic care. It is just an over all good feeling!

I was getting tired of taking all that medicine.

Hi, my name is Donna. I was involved in a car accident in August of 2002 and sustained injuries to my head and back. I even suffered some memory loss. I was going to Yale for treatment, and saw my physician regularly. They kept insisting that I take pain killers for my back, and other medications to reduce the swelling of my brain. I was really getting frustrated with the same diagnosis every time. One day I was talking with a friend who suggested I go see Dr. Mastrobattisto at Shoreline Chiropractic Center. I had never considered chiropractic care as an option, and was willing to give it a try.
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My body responded quickly to the adjustments. I started feeling relief from my head and back pain. I also noticed that I have not had any upper respiratory problems and haven’t had to take echinacia this year. I am thankful for Dr. Mastrobattisto’s friendly and genuine concern. The best thing about chiropractic care is that my general health is much better. I really believe this helped ween me off the medications and allowed my body to heal naturally. I recommend chiropractic to everyone!

I’m too young to feel like this all the time!

Hi, my name is Jen. I had been suffering with an on going hip problem for at least eight years. It was really starting to take a toll on my daily activities. I saw my regular physician and the best advice he could offer me was to stretch and exercise which I have been doing my entire life…he also gave me a prescription for anti-inflamitories. I was not happy with this solution. Living with this discomfort just became unbearable. I’m too young to feel like this all the time! I decided to take my mother’s advice and go see her chiropractor. The only problem was he was too far I needed someone close to where I work so he suggested I go see Dr. Mastrobattisto at Shoreline Chiropractic.
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Dr. John put me on a schedule of being adjusted 4 times a week. After several visits I started noticing a difference. I was sleeping better and seemed to be getting over minor colds much quicker then I used to. I remember how it used to hurt my hip when I sat on a bike, well…. it doesn’t anymore. I can now snowboard with ease too. I’m a P.E. teacher with younger kids and one of the best benefits from getting adjusted regularly is I can now sit and demonstrate certain activities that were painful before and the kids notice! My roommate, Michele keeps telling me how I’m more relaxed and complain less.

Dr John is caring, gentle and very knowledgeable. He makes positive suggestions and the office is very comfortable. I have and will continue to recommend chiropractic!

I felt like I was falling apart!

Hi, my name is John. I consider myself to be a pretty tough person who can put up with a lot of things. I have aches and pains AND two teenager, but I just couldn’t take these sinus infections! I seemed to be getting them monthly. I used to come down with an infection every 2 weeks for about six months straight. I was at the doctor’s office all the time. It seemed like every time I got over one, I would get another. My physician kept giving me antibiotics; I even saw an ENT specialist. I felt like I was falling apart. I was never sick when I was younger. I felt really run down and was struggling with all the activities I used to enjoy. It was becoming really frustrating.
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My wife had been suggesting for a while that I go see Dr. Mastrobattisto at Shoreline Chiropractic. I had gone to a chiropractor years ago when I threw my back out… and figured why not?

After several adjustments, I started noticing I had more energy and was getting a better nights sleep. After a few more adjustments, it seemed as though I was starting to enjoy all those activities that were really becoming difficult. I can now run and ride a bike with ease like I used to. Over time my sinus infections cleared. I haven’t suffered from one in 23 months. I haven’t even had a cold. I am so thankful to Dr. Mastrobattisto and chiropractic care for getting the job done. My wife is really happy too… she gets to tell me all the time “I told you so!”

The pain in my head just wouldn’t go away.

Hi, my name is Janet and I have been suffering with headaches, sinus infections and neck pain for at least three or four years. I was taking several antibiotics, had an MRI, a cat-scan and even went for physical therapy. Nothing seemed to be working. Finally my physician recommended I go for a massage. During the massage the therapist kept telling me my whole body was in a knot and she suggested I go see a chiropractor. So with a bit of a push I headed to Shoreline Chiropractic Center. I was very reluctant on going. I just wasn’t sure anything was going to help at this point. Several adjustments later I started noticing a difference. I have been able to handle my daily activities better; even my volunteer work. The girls at my office said I seemed a lot calmer and more relaxed. That’s when I really started believing that there is something out there to relieve pain.
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Dr Mastrobattisto helped me so much that I decided to bring my daughter. Jaclyn was born with spina bifida which is a hereditary spinal defect. She is a very active teenager, swimming and is also on the wheel track team she has noticed that her body has loosened up and her muscles don’t seem as tight. Thanks to Dr Mastobattisto’s personal attention and caring manner, we are both living more healthy and productive lifestyles.



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